MSPs As Digital Responders During This Covid-19 Pandemic

Joe Pannone
2 min readJun 15, 2020


Digital First Responders

The unexpected and widespread effects of the Covid-19 pandemic gave rise to the need for new avenues to handle the many problems overwhelming people and businesses alike. In line with this, MSPs as digital responders during this Covid-19 pandemic were created to help distressed people and channels alike.


Due to the precautionary measures implemented by various countries and to avoid or reduce the possibility of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, many business establishments were forced to close for the duration of the lockdown or quarantine enforced. However, these also created problems that needed to be addressed. Luckily, MSPs and IT became instrumental in collaborated digital first responder activities.


Concerned of the tide of lies and hate spread around, UN initiated Verified, which is composed of “digital first responders”. These digital responders are tasked to disseminate true information true and only those that come from trusted sources.

The Verified signed up information volunteers get verified briefing on a daily basis that they can share with their networks. Aim to save lives, here are the three themes that information included:

  • Science — This aims to save lives.
  • Solidarity — This theme wants to encourage local and international cooperation among nations and its citizens.
  • Solutions — This is to advocate support for people who are affected by Covid-19 anywhere in the world.

Businesses including MSPs (as digital responders) and media organizations are also tapped to work with Verified in their goal to distribute accurate information and root out harmful ones about Covid-19.

To read the complete blog, click here.



Joe Pannone

30 Year MSP veteran. CEO and Founder of Forza technology Solutions, ForzaDash and CWDash.